My Account

How it works

Register your account on this website

You will need the VPD code for your organisation and your salary details, we recommend you have a payslip to hand

After you have completed the registration, we will send you a password (by email) to sign into your new account

We recommend you change your password to something memorable once logged in

Once you have logged in to the Fleet Home Electronics website you can browse the products that are available through the scheme

After you have selected the product(s) you would like, you can proceed to the basket for a quotation

You will then have the option to choose the agreement length of your salary sacrifice and we will provide you with a quotation

When you have accepted your quotation, we will send you the documentation to complete for your agreement

You can approve and accept your agreement online

Once the agreement has been accepted it will be sent to us for approval

When this is approved your collection card will be dispatched within 24 hours

When your collection card arrives, it will be ready to use straight away

You will be able to use your Collection Card/eCollection Card in any Currys store nationwide or online at

Your salary sacrifice agreement will begin the month after your order has been approved by us and will run for the term you have chosen

At the end of your agreement you will revert to your original terms and conditions and your Higher National Salary